Teneisha Johnson

" Whatever you can do, or dream of doing, begin it! "

Thank you for your time"
I'd describe myself as a confident, hardworking and enthusiastic person who works well with others and takes a lot of pride in completing task both on time and at an elite level.
I love spending time creating beautiful works of arts and I was always very passionate about my community and have been known to be involved in many charitable groups and events during my lifetime.
You may say my natural creativity, obvious talent, enthusiasm, organizational skills and solid work ethics makes me an asset for any organization in the world. And you would be correct! (Lol)
As the universe continues to grow and evolve, I am confident and I continually pray that my life experiences seen in the associated social links, blogs, YouTube channels and web pages may help to inspire lost souls around the world in need of JESUS CHRIST!
Available for:
Project Management
Marketing Strategy
Business Intelligence
Romans 1 :16 (The Lord's Strong Tower, 116 steps).
"For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation to all those who believe, for the Jew first and also for the Greek."

Hello World? Are you there? The Importance of Communication in a Multicultural World
In today’s world with all of its innovations and advance technology, you can communicate virtually from anywhere.
Sometimes charm is not enough. Arriving with the proper introductions and support is essential to developing workplace rapport. This is especially critical if you do not fit the local people’s stereotype of the Foreign V.I.P.
If you are not, by way of example, “The Beautiful Italian”, but instead you are of a respectable age with charming features, your initial reception may be less enthusiastic than if you fit the hosts’ preconceived image.
Unfortunately, some corporations play to the “stereotypes” and if you are a member of a minority, racial or ethnic group, female or physically disabled, this might be to your detriment.
When a former president of an Oil Company in Saudi Arabia said, “This business of communicating has become as important as finding more oil,” he stated a belief held by many.
According to a study done by Watson Wyatt of 267 U.S. companies between 1998 and 2002, those that communicated most effectively provided a 26% return to shareholders and those with the least-effective communication provided a return of only 15%.
It was also concluded that those with the most effective communicative ability also had the less employee turnover.
Our local newspapers inadvertently record daily, companies who are constantly and consistently seeking new hire. Why is that?
Think about it! Whatever type of organization you work in, now or in the future, your success and your organization’s success hinges on the collaborative ability to communicate effectively.
As we gallop full speed ahead into the 21st century, the concept of a global economy rings sharper than ever before!
Technological advances in travel and telecommunications have provided the means for accelerated integration of the world market.

Competition comes from every corner of the globe in today’s marketplace and is forcing many businesses to look at new ways of cutting costs while maintaining market share and high-quality levels.
I’ve also learnt that it is becoming more and more of an asset for an individual to become proficient in foreign languages. I need to brush up on my French. Lol!
Managers and Consultants schooled in the ways of multinational business and multicultural service organizations are critical to the expansion of international opportunities.
For example, if we were to glance at the job ads in any of the big city newspapers around the world, if you have international skills, many countries are in need of English-language teachers.
Business people have always been on the cutting edge of marketing the latest technological wonders, see my related article on the latest Blockchain Technology: Virtual Currency, The Blockchain Innovative Technology and its Regulation, Smart Contracts and Digital Assets
This trend of internationalizing business and services has led to increasing numbers of people working in multicultural settings.
Business relationships are now being forced to overcome cultural differences as firms strive to maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace.
However, according to my studies this is not as easy as it sounds.
Working in a foreign country is, as the name implies, an alien experience.
This means language and, most importantly, understanding diverse values in the workplace or country you’re currently residing in, is extremely important.
Therefore, individuals should be cognizant of their methods of communications and note that what might be successful in one country’s operations can and will sometimes meet with failure when transplanted into another cultural setting.
Nevertheless, the basic communication process still remains the same.

The Communication Process
As we’ve all learnt as adolescents in school, it involves a sender or encoder who then sends a message using various channels or mediums (i.e. telephones, radios, televisions, computers, written memos, videotapes, electronic mails etc.) to a receiver or decoder.
In this new age of advance technology, messages are communicated via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Snapchat, through the media, integrated in our songs, music videos, etc.
Digital assets fall into two broad categories: valuable and sentimental.
Valuable digital assets include such things as cryptocurrencies, online investment/bank accounts, online store credits, intellectual property, and anything else which has a tangible dollar value attached to it.
Sentimental digital assets, on the other hand, include photographs, personal videos, blog posts, social media accounts, and information held in email messages.
So how can a Will manage these two distinct types of digital assets?

We have become a very interactive world!
It has become regular news in today’s society to create products and methods which helps us to share and connect more and more with each other.
Early Inventions and Patents
The Fax (Facsimile) Machine
The fax (facsimile) machine is considered one of the oldest inventions. It is even older than Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone. Patents for the first fax machine dates back nearly 150 years.

The first commercial fax system was invented and patented in the United States in 1863 by an Italian priest, Giovanni Caselli, who helped establish a fax line between Paris and Lyons for five years, 1865-1870. At the time, Giovanni was considered “some kind of a nut” with his scientific “junk” scattered all around his home. The Italian priest’s small home looked more like a mad scientist’s workshop than the residence of a man of the cloth.
Giovanni worked alongside Alexander Bain, who was an expert clockmaker, for seven long years from 1857-1864, refining and improving the fax machine and Bain’s clock-driven pendulum idea.
Finally, in 1863 Giovanni Caselli made major improvements to the fax design:
He installed a separate clock in the transmitting end that synchronized the pendulums on each perfectly.
His fax did not require the original to be scratched in metal or written in special ink. Ordinary ink worked.
Originals could be reproduced in the same size or reduced.
Different messages could simultaneously be transmitted through a single wire.
While decorative and flowery pictures were occasionally faxed, the fax line was predominantly used to carry stock market information between 1866 and 1870.
Eventually the fax caught the attention of the press, mainly because they could clearly see its benefits to their industry. Newspapers and magazines praised the new invention for its public service.
“Who could do better?”
Wrote a journalist at the time. But the interruption of the 1870 war and the siege of Paris, saw the era of the mechanical fax machine with their pendulums and clockworks coming to an end.
At the turn of the century, mankind had upgraded to the modern fax machines that used light beams to read and write and had replaced the swinging pendulums.
Pictures by Fax – In 1902 physicist Arthur Korn of Germany dramatically improved English inventor Frederick Bakewell’s rotating drum idea. He constructed his cylinder out of glass, positioned a selenium cell inside, and wrapped the intended fax around the cylinder. By shinning a light through the picture and onto the selenium, Korn’s machine accurately converted the picture into electrical signals. On the other end, the signal was converted back to light and was shone on photographic film. As a result, a permanent copy was created.
Arthur Korn’s system was an overwhelming success, especially for the newspaper business, which was rapidly growing in circulation at the time. The fax machine was quickly becoming indispensable to the press and realizing the machine’s value in the competitive newspaper business, the French newspaper at the time called L’Illustration bought out Arthur’s rights to the machine in 1906 and monopolized its use in France.
As I said before, we have become a very interactive and open world. Privacy is now a highly sought commodity!
Especially for Public Figures and Celebrities and I can seriously understand all the reasons why. However, let me not deviate from my own message which I’m trying to communicate. (Lol!)