Teneisha Johnson

Your on the right Track Baby....You were born that way!
Every woman was born to be a Queen or at least treated like one.
Our Father, God in heaven, is the ruler over all the earth and as His children, adopted into His royal family through our faith in Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, we are all royal heirs to all of God’s promises.
We were designed by our creator to be the glory of men and the mothers of all living things.
At the end of creation, we were the final “cherry on top” as I’d like to say to the problem of loneliness in mankind.
Why, I repeat, why have so many of us women allowed ourselves to fall from that place of honor and esteem?
It grieves me to see women hiding in the shadow of their churches, shamed and saddened by secrets that they wish they could conceal from their past.
Christian women should be restored to their place of wholeness. Their place of dignity, quality and honor before God so that their testimony may be a true blessing and will draw all women back to the Lord.
Unfortunately, many Christian women are still hiding, still carrying heavy baggage’s of hurt, fear, guilt and shame.
They go about their daily routine concealing their true royal identity, pretending not to notice their filthy condition.
Their light isn’t shining, and no one can see the Queen within them whom their Father created them to be.
All signs of their royal inheritance have been covered with the degradation of abuse, mistakes and unfortunate incidents that happened sometime in their lives.
See my previous article Smooth Criminal/Love the way you lie: Traumatic Bonding
How do you identify yourself? Are you just a boy or girl, or do you see yourself as a Queen or King?
Your gender identity is a deep-seated, internal sense of who you are as a gendered being.
It is the gender with which you identify yourself.
The National Geographic(www.nationalgeographic.com) has done research on what’s being called the “gender revolution”.
Some people identify themselves as LGBTQ an acronym used to refer to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer individuals in our community.
Affirming pronouns however or the most respectful and accurate pronouns for a person as defined by that person.
It’s best to ask which pronouns a person uses to avoid offenses.
Once young children learn to talk, most will declare a gender identity, boy or girl, that aligns with their biological sex.
According to research drawn from www.HealthyChildren.org around two years old, children become conscious of the physical differences between boys and girls.
By age four, most children have a stale sense of their gender identity.
During this same time of life, children learn gender-role behavior-that is, doing “things that boys do” or “things that girls do” when they choose toys, clothes, activities or friends.
There are many paths to becoming a woman or a man.
According to Tourism Secretary Wanda Teo, there is a “90% chance” that the Philippines would host Miss Universe this year but the organization’s president remained coy on the issue.
At the press conference of the Grit & Glam event on Monday, May 7, Miss Universe president Paula Shugart said that they are still in talks with different people on the matter.
That was May; now in August it has been confirmed that Miss Universe is heading to Bangkok, Thailand, for the 2018 competition with Steve Harvey returning as host. YEAH!!
The 2018 Miss Universe competition will air in the U.S. on Sunday, December 16 (7-10 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed) on Fox.
Visit today! https://www.missuniverse.com/

In 1952, Catalina established the current Miss Universe as we know it.
The first competition was in Long Beach, California. It was an instant hit.
Armi Kuusela of Finland was the first winner. Before her reign was over, she had to give up her title to get married to a Filipino tycoon, Virgilio Hilario
The Miss Universe beauty pageant has come a long way since 1952, but its ethos has remained the same:
" Finding the most beautiful woman in the entire universe "
But biology is not destiny, for men or women.
Even though many women are still trapped and oppressed in so many parts of the world, forced to submit to the dictates of men, I still believe the women from the Cayman Islands have many opportunities to fulfill their great potential.
I pray daily that the Lord will rejuvenate their spirits and allow the Queen in each of them to be magnified for His honor and His glory.