Teneisha Johnson
Hello... Do What You Love. Creat8...Always Creat10!

An occupation is what you do for a living while a vocation is what you feel is your true calling in life. Some people as we know are fortunate enough to make a living off of their vocation.
They are even able to pay their bills by doing what they feel they should be doing with their lives. How awesome is that!
Other people are fortunate in a different way-their occupation is not their vocation but they have made peace with their reality and don’t suffer from profound unhappiness.
Still other people suffer from ironic situations. They do make a living at what they do best, but there are some side-effects that make them unhappy.
For example, someone can be a brilliant lawyer but get so swept up in winning every case that he or she suffers a stroke or a nervous breakdown.
Their occupation is their vocation-but its leading them to unhappiness, maybe even an early death.
Last year I read in the Caymanian Compass that you can now be forgotten online, but apparently not in the British Library.
U.K. law has already recognized a “right to be forgotten” but it had applied primarily to search engine results such as those generated by Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Microsoft Corp.’s Bing.
The article stated that people generally had to prove that the information they wish to remove had caused damage or distress.
Now U.K. Digital Minister Matt Hancock said in early August 2017 that the government would introduce privacy legislation that would expand “the right to be forgotten” beyond just search engine results to any personal data held by a third party.
However Max Campbell, a privacy lawyer at Brett Wilson Solicitors in London said, “Instead of individuals having to prove damage or distress, material will now be removed on request unless private companies can prove a compelling public interest in keeping the information online”.
This “right to be forgotten” law will bring the U.K. in line with the European Union’s existing General Data Protection Regulation, which takes effect in May 2018.
But the new privacy rules contain exceptions for some official information, including medical records, collected by the National Health Service.
Exceptions are also being made for the Internet archives maintained by the British Library, which by law is required to collect a copy of all published material in the U.K.
Since 2013, the Library has also been required to archive the entire U.K. web domain once per year. Wow!
Wisdom and honesty are also needed to determine if you are doing what you really want to do with your life.
If doing what you’re doing makes you feel happy and content then your on the right track.
If you find yourself asking a few of these questions and not liking the answer, its time for a change:
· Do you regularly wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety over your job?
· Does your job fill you with angry or rage?
· Does the thought of returning to work make you feel depressed?
· Do you have much less of a social life since taking on this job?
· Do you engage in substance abuse because of upsetting things that happen at work?
· Have your eating or sleeping patterns deteriorate since taking on this job?
· Do you find yourself wishing bad things would happen to the people you work with?
· On your time off, do you engage in reckless behavior such as excessive spending or compulsive sex?
Of course, I could go on and on, however if you’ve answered yes to any one of these items, or more than one, you might want to consider a career change. STAT!
However, this does not mean you have to permanently give up your career, you may just have to find other activities outside of your occupation that helps to relieve the stress and pressure.
Becoming a part of any of the numerous charitable organizations in the Cayman Islands might help!
You are hardly alone if you find yourself switching to a different line of work.
It has become quite common and almost necessary for people to return to school to learn a different skill or become more proficient in a different field.
Older, returning students are commonplace in today’s colleges and universities.
See my previous article , Becoming and maintaining a successful world-wide student for more details.
If you have money to spare, you can make a donation to any number of worthy endeavors that help the community, or you can work with a group that raises funds.
Either way you’ll be helping a worthy cause to stay afloat-and that my friend is no small contribution in today’s very, very expensive world!
Don’t be too quick to start shelling out the cash! Before making a donation, you might want to find out the following:
· How long has this enterprise been in existence?
· Who is it run by, and what are their credentials?
· How much of each dollar donated goes directly to helping the people and/or research?
· Is there a similar organization you could also give money to, and how does it compare with this one?
You may find some useful information by perusing Cayman Islands Yellow Pages under Charitable organizations or visiting them on the web at https://www.findyello.com/Cayman-Islands
In the Cayman Islands, Non-profit organizations or entities that operate as charities will be required by law to register with the Cayman Islands Government by July 31st 2018.
A non-profit organizations refers to an entity that operates as a charity or we could say a company or body of persons (whether incorporated or unincorporated); or even a trust that is:
1 established, or which identifies itself as established, primarily for the promotion of charitable, philanthropic, religious, cultural, educational, social or fraternal objectives, or other activities or programs for the public benefit or a section of the public within the Islands or elsewhere; and
2 which solicits contributions from the public or a section of the public within the Islands or elsewhere.
Ultimately NPO registration builds public confidence in their good works as they can be easily identified.
For registered Non-profit organizations visit the General Registry website at http://www.ciregistry.gov.ky