Teneisha Johnson

The paranormal has become the new normal among certain sectors of the religious demographic in many parts of the world.
No longer is occultism a fringe idea.
Brooks Alexander, a cofounder of the Spiritual Counterfeits Project in Berkley, California, suggest that spiritism has moved beyond the weird and the supernatural into the normal and the mundane.
Quietly, and I repeat, quietly, but convincingly, the entities have been serving notice that they intend to shape our future.
You might be tempted to think only uneducated people believe in such concepts, however that is not the case.
I was intrigued by a study that was done by Bryan Farha of Oklahoma City University and Gary Steward Jr. of the University of Central Oklahoma which concluded that as students progressed through their college years, they became more likely to believe in paranormal concepts.
Many of today’s college professors believe in extrasensory perception, often associated with the paranormal.
A survey was done of 1100 college professors and it was found that 34 percent of psychologist, 55 percent of natural scientist, 66 percent of other social scientist, and 77 percent of professors in the humanities believed in extrasensory perception as an established fact or a likely possibility.
The scary part is that many of our teenagers and kids alike, even right here in our beloved Cayman Islands, have participated in psychic activities and/or witchcraft.
For example, some habitually read their horoscopes, many of these readings can be found in local newspapers, teen magazines etc.
Then there are those whose curiosity lead them to read books on witchcraft or Wicca.
Some have even gone as far as to actual play with Ouija boards!
And amazingly, among churchgoing teenagers, many of them whom I’ve spoken to or have observed, have not been taught anything at church to help shape their view of the supernatural world.
The paranormal seems to have nearly taken over Hollywood.
Movies are priming with the paranormal.
According to the Johns Hopkins Newsletter, “One only has to look at the popularity of documentaries, television programs, books, and films that explore the world of ghosts to see a public devoted to the paranormal.”
It used to be mostly the Sci-Fi Channel which aired popular TV shows about ghostly activities, now it’s on the Learning Channel, The Disney Channel, The Travel Channel, The Biography Channel etc. etc.
In keeping with this wave of interest in the paranormal, we should ask the question – Why is this topic so popular?
Van Praagh, author of a number of bestselling books on communicating with spirit entities says, “More people than ever are believing in life after death.
They’re looking for other belief systems and for other ways to deal with the world around them, and people want to find out what this is all about.”
It seems to me that we as a society are rapidly moving away from the true “life after death” definition, where we experience an eternal fellowship with Jesus Christ.
The bible condemns all forms of occultism, divination, and sorcery.
Leviticus 19:26 commands, “Do not practice divination or sorcery.”
Leviticus 19:31 instructs, “do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritism, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.”
Demonic Spirits can be so deceptive, I like to call them “Spiritual Counterfeits”.
Scripture has given us an extremely important test to use.
Deuteronomy 13:1-3 says that if a “sign or wonder” comes to pass from a prophet or a “dreamer of dreams”, and what they say comes true, but then that prophet or dreamer asks you to follow other gods, you are not to listen to what that person says.
Clearly what I’m saying is, “you may get a correct prediction about an event but if he or she contradicts God’s Word in his or her teachings, then what he or she says cannot be from God, and we must reject it.