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The Power of the Royal “We”: Say it with Three!

There has never been and will never be another testimony like that of Jesus Christ!


During the third month (March) we shall celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, also known as Easter Sunday.

Isn’t it interesting that it falls on the third month of our calendar year and he also died and rose again on the third day?

This all appeared to need further investigation into the symbolic nature of three.

Guess what I found out?

Three is the number of the Godhead and the number of Divine completeness.

There is also Palm Sunday, the final Sunday before Easter Sunday, which marks the beginning of Holy Week.

At this time we are reminded of the palm branches placed in his path at Christ’s triumphal entrance into Jerusalem before His arrest and Crucifixion on Good Friday.

Also, if we recall the way Jesus travelled.

He didn’t ride on a horse, which was expensive and used by the Romans.

He also wasn’t carried around on a settee made from the best upholstery by the apostles.

Imagine him on an Italian Renaissance chair, cushioned with leather, velvet, or embroidery? I love it!

And he certainly didn’t travel in a chariot or a cart. Today that could be our local buses.

Instead, he walked everywhere he went.

Palm Sunday is the only time in His life where He took a form of transport.

So we could assume that Palm Sunday was a significant occasion and called for more grandeur!

Throughout the world, persons of different cultures bow until their foreheads almost touch the ground; they kneel, or fully prostrate themselves for long periods before their god, while others cross a graveled courtyard crawling on their hands and knees to do obeisance to their god.

Baskets of fruit have been presented to idols, and sacrifices have been burned on a flaming altar.

Worshippers march in great ceremony, parading their idols through the streets of the city, singing, dancing and playing instruments in honor of their god.

However, Easter is definitely a time to celebrate The Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s not forget what this day of celebration represents.

It is the fulfillment of our faith as Christians.

St. Paul wrote that, unless Christ rose from the dead, our faith is in vain (1 Corinthians 15:17).

Through his death, Christ saved mankind from bondage to sin, and He destroyed the hold that death has on all of us; but it is His Resurrection that gives us the promise of new life, both in this world and the next.

Speaking of new life, the blessing of children and nature- The Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park is a nonprofit outdoor garden and wildlife facility located in the North Side district of the Cayman Islands.

It is also another wonderful place here in Grand Cayman where there is rich agricultural history.

The park is owned jointly by the Cayman Islands government and the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, a group dedicated to preserving natural environments and places of historic significance.

The park also contains the Floral Color Garden, a Cayman Heritage Garden, a lake, an orchid boardwalk exhibit and a Blue Iguana Habitat.

You will definitely find our famous Silver Thatch Palm.

Chosen as the National Tree of the Cayman Islands, the Silver Thatch Palm has played an important role in the lives of Caymanians since the first settlers arrived on the islands in the early 1700’s.

A valuable part of Cayman’s natural heritage, as well as part of the landscape, it is endemic to the Cayman Islands – it is found nowhere else. Wow!


The Silver Thatch Palm is both beautiful and useful. Its slender trunk often grows more than 30 feet tall, and its crown produces a profusion of small white flowers that develop into berries that ripen from green to red to black.

The Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park is also home to ten of the twenty-six orchid species recorded from the Cayman Islands, and three of these are found nowhere else on earth.

One of these unique three, the most commonly seen by Park visitors, is Cayman’s National Flower, the Wild Banana Orchid.

I’m also excited to announce that there is an annual Orchid Show and this is a joint event hosted by both the Botanic Park and the Cayman Islands Orchid Society.

It will be on the 24th and 25th of February this year.

See link below for more details:

It’s a show not to be missed!

And if you think that’s cool; what’s also cool is a dedicated garden for children that was also created at the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park.

Park officials and politicians broke ground at the Children’s Garden last year.

The garden covers almost an acre and is situated between the Visitor Centre and the Heritage Garden.


“The garden is a place for children to play and learn”.

“Every school in the Cayman Islands will have their own little growing area“, said park manager John Lawrus.

An education area and open play area with a tree house and grow zone is also a part of the garden.

The project is hoped to be completed by late 2018.

Let’s also not forget that during the month of March the Cayman Islands will once again celebrate its Commonwealth Day.

In observance of Commonwealth Day, the Cayman Islands Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association will have its Youth Parliament in the Chamber of the Legislative Assembly building.

All these wonderful young people are definitely what I would call stars.


That’s right! Young Caymanian Stars!

As individuals I believe their emotional intelligence is key to their excellence.

Here are a few facts I learnt during my studies:


Of course intellect and expertise matter-as you would have guessed, but what sets the stars apart has much to do with their emotional competence.


A few examples are: Empathy, or interpersonal understanding, cooperation and a unified effort, self-awareness-in the form of evaluating their strength and weakness, and also building bonds with other people.

As individuals in our society, we should all consider ourselves a part of the whole.

There is power in us. We the people can have victory!


Victory in our personal lives, at work and in our community!

I want to encourage you to examine the life of Jesus Christ.

He was the only perfect person with a perfect testimony.

There was no need to hate him-He was love.

Yet he was still despised, envied and eventually put to death.

Let’s not hurt each other, envy each other or worse yet-kill each other.

Let’s celebrate each other’s achievements and give honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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