Teneisha Johnson
Discover the Yello or “Blues” in You (Royal Labor Pains)
As writers we all share a common goal of telling a story. It is our awesome responsibility to communicate successfully to our readers information of all kinds.
I strongly believe that the function of both writers and journalists are very relevant in today’s society.
According to Louis D. Brandeis who was an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, “The function of the press is extremely important. To mistake or suppress the news is in breach of trust.”
However, I believe that although journalists try to honor and protect their carefully won independence from party and commercial pressures, they must be careful not to get detached from the outside pressures which could bleed into disengagement from the community.
What’s your story and why do you like yellow?
When I see the color yellow- I think happy!
According to my latest research-the color yellow relates to acquired knowledge.
It is the color which resonates with the left or logic side of the brain, stimulating our mental faculties and creating mental agility and perception.
Being the lightest hue of the spectrum, the color psychology of yellow is uplifting and illuminating, offering hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun.
In the meaning of colors, yellow inspires original thought and inquisitiveness.
Yellow is creative from a mental aspect, the color of new ideas, helping us to find new ways of doing things. It is the practical thinker, not the dreamer.
Yellow is also the must highly visible of all colors which is why it is used for pedestrian crossings. Cool!

Hello! Want to know something else?
The Yello Cayman Team is also placing special emphasis on our children and is celebrating education in the Cayman Islands in their 2018 directory, featuring the history of our education system, what it means to be a teacher, showcasing all of our youth associations and the multiple businesses who generously invest in education.
So once again, now that you have discovered the many ways to use Yello, why do you like yellow?
Not only was I pleased to discover the many uses for the color yellow, but I discovered or should I say brought back to my remembrance Discovery Day here in the Cayman Islands!
This year, Discovery Day will be on the 21st May 2018.
According to historical records, on May 10th 1503, it was recorded that Christopher Columbus discovered the Cayman Islands and named us Las Tortugas after the numerous sea turtles seen swimming in the surrounding waters.
Also during the month of May, many other Caribbean countries like Montserrat, Barbados, Aruba, Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba, Curacao, St. Maarten, Grenada and St. Lucia would usually recognized Labor Day.
However due to last years volatile hurricane season, many of them will truly labor to build back their homeland.
Many places like Anguilla suffered catastrophic damage after the passing of Hurricane Irma.
Many Government Infrastructures were demolished, Parliamentary buildings flattened, Hospitals and Schools swept away after the hurricane had finished its devastation.
I continue to pray for our Caribbean neighbors who have suffered tremendous devastation during the passing of our most recent hurricane season.
I applaud both the Cayman Islands government and the many other countries who had and continue to give much needed relief supplies, medical assistance, finances and most especially hope to the thousands in need.
Speaking of Labor, during the entire month of May which is the fifth month, we shall once again celebrate our children.
Did you know that five means grace or favor?
I declare that our children are definitely sovereign favor from the Lord!
Childbirth is a beautiful experience or it should be, however many women not only discover and experience the yellow (child) within, but many of them also experience the “Blues” or “Baby Blues”.
The “Blues” is another word used for Postpartum Depression and is very frequent and completely normal after childbirth.
This mild sadness usually disappears quickly as the hormonal and psychological systems get back on track and the mother gets wrapped up in her child.
Unfortunately, researches say some women develop a much more severe depression that begins in the weeks following delivery and can impair their ability to mother the child and fall in love with it.
Being detached then makes the mother feel even more depressed and inadequate about not being a good mother.
What was meant to be a joyful time has now turned into a nightmare.
It is important to be alert to the possibility of severe depression after delivery-especially in women who have had one in previous pregnancies.