Teneisha Johnson
Can you keep up? Faster than a speeding……How did he do it?
EMIT vs Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
The beauty and speed of light and its importance affects us every day.
It shapes every aspect of our existence, from our religion to our sex drive and understanding light has led scientists to our modern knowledge of the universe.
We use light in art, science, different industries, entertainment, cosmetics, jewelry etc.
When God said, “Let there be Light!”, the creation of the universe began according to the book of Genesis. The light of the Sun gives life to our world.
We can even go a step further and look into photosynthesis. Photosynthesis if we remember from High School, it is when certain organisms make their own food by capturing energy from the sun.
For example, organisms like trees and grass are called producers and during photosynthesis they convert the energy in sunlight into chemical energy by locking it within the bond of the food molecules they synthesize.
There is also artificial lighting which of course does not even come close to the broad spectrum of sunlight and is definitely not close to its brightness.
Fluorescent light emit light in much narrower wavelengths, since they glow from the light given off by specific atomic elements, which apparently is usually mercury or sodium.
It is also no secret that lovers love candlelight.
Not only is it more romantic than electric lightning, the soft, yellowish glow of candlelight seemingly makes your skin tone appear softer, smoother and warmer.
Infinitely 120% more touchable.
It may even generate a lovely sparkle in your dates eyes.
Hhmmm…. very interesting.
Think about it! The light of fire is the basis of all human civilization. The metaphors of light and vision are so fundamental that we use them in our everyday language.
For instance, we say, seeing is believing, and seeing is so important to us. So necessary in fact that many of us find ourselves wearing an assortment of eyeglasses or spectacles to compensate for our blurred vision.
The earliest “eyeglasses” were made of gemstones worn by the emperor Nero. People even began using glass lenses in the Middle Ages to help them focus their vision so that they could read better.
Eyeglasses, or spectacles, have been in use in both Europe and China since approximately the thirteenth century. Certainly, the travels of Marco Polo and the other traders played a role in the exchange.
However, we not only see, we look, behold, observe, scrutinize, study, stare, examine etc.
Light is the difference between life and death.
It has shaped our world and shaped us.
I also believe that vision is a gift and is the most important of our five senses.
Speaking of light-Nothing in the universe travels faster than light. When someone tells you that you run nearly as fast as the speed of light or even as fast as a speeding bullet, you know your fast!
In the incredible vacuum of space, light travels at a velocity of approximately 186,000 miles per second; this is the universe ideal speed limit.
I was fascinated to find out that even specialist and experts at places like MIT and Caltech have been seen wearing T-Shirts which state: “186,000 miles per second, it’s not just a good idea, it’s the law!” Lol!
So clearly, we’ve got experts and specialist at MIT doing their research but recently I was reading about EMIT (Enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique).
These are test that use various DNA techniques to amplify trace chemicals in urine.
Apparently, it has become the standard approach for screening large amounts of urine samples.
According to my most resent findings, in 1986 the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) instituted mandatory drug screening of student athletes.
Eventually many colleges and universities implemented their own drug testing policies.
In addition to its use in collegiate sports, drug testing is conducted in professional and Olympic sports as well as in the work place.
EMIT can be used in a robot tester that employs a light sensor to read urine samples and prints out a value for each of five or six drugs present, it can process 18,000 samples an hour. Wow!
The detection period depends on the type and dose of the drug.
EMIT is more than 98% accurate, with error biased towards nondetection.
I also learnt that because EMIT responds to a broad range of opiate and amphetamine compounds, it sometimes produces a positive result for harmless prescription drugs such as herbal teas and poppy seeds.
For this reason, samples that show a positive result on EMIT are then retested by more cumbersome but 100% accurate procedures such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Try saying that three times in a row. Lol!
Simply eating things like poppy seeds may trigger a positive signal on EMIT, but apparently the confirmation test tells that a key heroin breakdown product (6-0-acetylmorphine) is not present.
This is very important!
Experts state that the tests are highly reliable and any corporation, university, college or sport athlete (especially if their SUPER HOT (lol), that has gone through the process should rest assure that they won’t be wrongly accused.