Teneisha Johnson

Brooks Alexander, who is the founder of the Spiritual Counterfeits Project, an evangelical ministry and think tank that studies new religions and spiritual movements is also an experienced journalist who is educated in law.
He has used his personal experience in the occult and subsequent conversion to Christ to assist many on current spiritual trends.
I personally believe that spiritual warfare is real.
When I think about mind-manipulating leaders like Werner Erhard, Sun Myung Moon and Jim Jones, who were all major threats to the social fabric and souls of countless followers, it only serves to strengthen my determination to expose “spiritual counterfeits” when and where ever I can.
I’ve got A LOT to learn, but I’m willing and know that the day I was placed on this earth, God had a reason for my life.
I am not a mistake!
I am not a failure!
I am a child of God and if He said in His word that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, who am I to contradict His favor.
Perhaps through simple manipulation or through direct force of will.
In this “new-age” way of being, computers seem to offer a down-to-earth version of “Virtual Reality”.
According to my latest research, many people have come to realize that the computer is the latest and among the greatest tools available for the achievement of the ‘Aquarian goal’, which is the expansion of consciousness by whatever means necessary.
Artificial intelligence and other such technology is now being used to created algorithms which can now formulate and predict human patterns and behaviors.
There is even the much talked about Blockchain technology which is being reported to revolutionize the financial industry. Wow!
Guess what else has the potential to transform a significant part of the financial services sector? Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings .
According to the Cayman Islands Journal, cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, blockchain technology and initial coin offerings (ICOs) have been the buzzwords in the tech sphere for the past couple of years.
With a rapid speculative bubble developing around bitcoin, the topics have not only transcended the limited space of the technophile but also created a mainstream investment buzz.
Yet public knowledge about blockchain, the technology on which cryptocurrencies are based, and its potential uses and risks is still limited.
Opinions are divided as to how successful blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies will be in the long run and if practical, real-world applications will live up to the hype.
Jude Scott, the chief executive officer of Cayman Finance, differentiates between cryptocurrency and the underlying blockchain, also known as distributed ledger technology.
“The technology itself is absolutely amazing, it is revolutionizing and will fully revolutionize the financial services industry,” he told the Caymanian Bar association in April 2018 at a CBA seminar on the new technology.
Mr. Scott believes cryptocurrencies will ultimately become a separate derivative asset class that hedge funds and other investors will invest in.
However, he does not think cryptocurrencies will ever fully replace regular, government-issued fiat currencies.
For more of his thoughtful and intelligent insight visit: The Cayman Islands Journal
AI technology has a broad range of potential applications in the financial services, some of which will be most effective in terms of the services provided by the Cayman Islands as listed below:
Personalization of financial services through analytics-driven recommendation engines
Automation of traditional retail functions through the deployment of smart assistants and voice recognition technology
Robo-advisory services in the wealth management space
Automated fraud detection, as well as anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing compliance monitoring, and
Predictive cybersecurity monitoring and response systems.
The advancement of digital technologies, data, advanced analytics, computing power combined with changing consumer preferences and new competition is creating a new technology-induced tipping point.
Recent changes to the Cayman Islands Proceeds of Crime Law, 2017 (POCL) has clarified that persons conducting relevant financial business, whether a non-profit or an unregulated investment fund vehicle, are now required to appoint an MLRO, and an alternate, and to have a AML/CFT compliance program in place.
It should come as no surprised to discover that the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority has already been paying keen attention to the suitability of MLROs appointed by its licensees, recommending changes where it considers there is a need.
It is anticipated that the Department for Commerce and Investments will ultimately do the same, once its enforcement powers over certain members of the Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions and Non-Profit sector, is enlisted.
Under section 136 of the POCL, a person commits an offense if he does not make the “required disclosure” to the FRA or his MLRO or deputy, of a suspicion or actual knowledge of terrorist financing or money laundering that has come to his attention in the course of doing relevant financial business.
Section 137 sets out the circumstances in which an MLRO commits an offense for failures to make appropriate disclosures. At the serious end of the stick, persons (including your MLRO) could find him or herself imprisoned for five years so there are real consequences.
For more information visit: http://www.caymanfinancialreview.com/2018/04/19/not-for-love-or-money/
Apparently for the New Agers, ‘the self’ is an information-processing entity that changes its nature, depending on the information-flows it receives, and the various media to which it connects.
The computer seems to now offer the same version of the godlike dream of virtual omnipresence.
Funny enough, I recall a movie called Lucy (2014) staring Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman, where Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) gradually and systematically used up 100% of her brain capacity.
Here’s the kicker, she ultimately morphed into a super computer and when the remaining Police Officer asked the five Research Scientist about her location.
She responded on his phone, “I am everywhere”.
Through computers, the prospect of practical virtual omnipresence is enticing as the mind extends its grasp at will across the reaches of the global network.
The computer and by extension the internet has made many alternate cultures and religions possible and accessible.
For example, erotic minorities, not only homosexuality, but also pedophilia and Bondage/Dominance/Sado-Masochism, all of which have established “communities” of like-minded individuals on the Net.
Another example are extremist groups whose focus is terrorism and militant racism.
The scary truth is that there is hardly any cultural, social or spiritual group or community that has not been empowered by the Internet.
However, it would be remiss of me not to also make mention of the fact that the World Wide Web has also afforded us some wonderful benefits and innovations over the years.
Now I’m sure we can all agree that through the use of technology such as the media, a great deal of evidence suggest that young people learn from and identify with celebrities they admire.
The power of the media and even art are very potent in shaping the emerging identities of our young people today.
It all boils down to vision.
Many young people are highly influenced by what they see and experience and that includes, movies like PRIEST, video games, art, magazines, etc.
Through the use of these platforms, many times an ‘idol’ or image is created and unfortunately many times what you may see is not real.
I was recently reading a blog that gave instructions on ‘idol-making’ for the new witch in a modern world.
The author stated that there where five steps for making your own personal occult “deity” out of a pop-culture icon.
1. Observe your target (superstar, model, entertainer, movie star, sports star, etc.):
Apparently, you need to observe your deity very carefully, get an idea of their mannerism and attributes and study their relevant characteristics.
2. Create a shrine: Perhaps you may make a collage, a photo frame, a Website, a magazine cover.
Whatever it is, is used to create an alter of sacrifice. This is used as a link between you and the spirit world.
3. Bring it down to earth: After you create the alter, you are then supposed to perform a ritual to continue the work of reinforcing your connection to the ‘deity or god’ You then light your sacrifice on fire and chant as it burns.
Apparently, this adds energy and focus to your spell.
4. Listen to your ‘deity or god’: After burning your sacrifices at the alter and chanting, you are then supposed to lay down and trance out.
This means you let go of your conscious mind and follow the energy.
I was like what! That’s not what my bible says.
How many of you know that in 2 Timothy 1:7, is says that “God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a SOUND MIND”.
Emphasis on sound mind.
Luke 12: 22-31 says, “Do Not Worry
22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.
23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.
24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!
25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?
26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
27 “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!
29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.
30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.
31 But seek His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.”
Therefore, it is imperative that we as Christians are vigilant and constantly filling ourselves with the word of God, so we have ammunition in times of trial.
Then finally, step 5, know when to let go: So according to the author, after you have used your ‘deity or god’ for whatever situation you needed help to resolve, you are supposed to dump it.
But please listen to me when I say that demons HATE human beings!
They will try to take over your personality and replace it with their own.
The Holy Spirit is God almighty with unlimited power and knowledge. He has all the attributes of the Godhead.

Demon spirits are limited created beings. They have none of the attributes of the Godhead. Their knowledge and intelligence, though superior to human intelligence, is limited.
Perhaps demons are operating at 100% brain capacity like Lucy from the movie. Whatever it is-it is LIMITED.
The Holy Spirit is UNLIMITED!
The Holy Spirit wants us to be in control and responsible for our actions.
Philippians 2:13, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure”.
Demons want total control. They will frequently knock the person unconscious and then use them in any way they want.
The Holy Spirit always uplifts and glorifies Jesus, thereby bringing humility into the life of the person He indwells.
Demons hate Jesus! They glorify the person in whom they dwell, always drawing attention to the person themselves instead of Jesus.
PRIDE is the hall mark of demons and the people they inhabit.
The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins.
But his conviction is nondestructive. He always leads the person to repentance, forgiveness, redemption and peace.
Demons help the person justify their sin, they bring destructive crushing guilt with no hope of forgiveness or redemption.
Demonic guilt always brings with it the message: “You cannot be forgiven.”
The Holy Spirit gives us the desire to read the Bible.
Demons try to keep us from reading the Bible.
The Holy Spirit is not a show-off.
Demons LOVE to make a show!