Teneisha Johnson

Full measure of Grace- Creat8ing Marketing Magnets
In every battle, there must be an enemy. An opposition-a division.
But I believe to become authentic sons and daughters of Christ, we must win the war against division.
Many of you are frustrated in the church not because you are not talented or feel lead by the spirit but perhaps you feel as though your talents are no longer recognized and appreciated.
What should you do about this?
Become a living, breathing magnet of God’s grace.
There are small magnets, big magnets, refrigerator magnets, and if we want to get scientific – electromagnets etc.
They all serve the same purpose – they draw, lure, pull, entice, or attract.
In the celebrity world of movie-making; many times, a prominent or A-List actress/actor’s name alone may sell the movie even before it hits the silver screen.
Perhaps a talented World Class Entertainer generates more ratings to the Super Bowl half time show or a well-loved public figure creates more awareness for a great cause.
In all the above-mentioned cases, these people are considered magnets or crowd pullers.
Don’t begrudge someone else’s success or talent.
Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action.
Look squarely at yourself and the reality of your situation, because becoming depressed or bitter and living an illusion does not help you or anyone else.
Once you understand the “vertical” relationship of your talents and recognize that you should strive for God’s approval rather than man’s, then and only then will you see your talents as an offering to God instead of an offering to man.
1 Corinthian, Chapter 3 addresses division in the church, and it states:
” vs 1 Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly-mere infants in Christ.
vs 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you are still not ready.
vs 3 You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men?
vs 9 For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.
vs10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds.
vs 11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
This requirement also applies to the spiritual leaders God has appointed to stand in His authority and speak on His behalf.
Throughout my studies and my own life, I have come to realize that a leader cannot speak on behalf of the Father and His word if he or she has no relationship with Him.
Without proper submission and obedience to God, a spiritual leader cannot hear the Lord-which I believe means many simply hear their own intellect.
When this happens, the people God has ordained to sit under their tutelage (as spiritual sons or daughters) aren’t fed properly.
Starving for true spiritual knowledge, our sons and daughters can become unruly in the spirit.
Mostly because they are being feed intellectually, stimulated by words; their senses inundated.
In today’s society, now more than ever we need divine direction, we need the power of the Holy Spirit and its anointing.
Remember our leaders have been called to lead, yet they are still human beings and are still going through their own personal relationships with God.
Please note, Jesus didn’t say He came to destroy the Law- He said that He came to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17).
That means, He couldn’t tear His Father’s authority, therefore sabotaging everything the Father had established from the beginning of time.
Jesus’ assignment was to remain obedient.
In order for you to get power with God, you have to be able to see the vision of what He desires to take place in your life-not the vision of a natural man, (i.e. your girlfriend, boyfriend, family, society etc.)
However, be obedient in the place where you’ve been planted until the Lord says otherwise.
As I said in my first paragraph, there is always an enemy, an opposition, a spirit of Jezebel- whose sole purpose is to cause division in the body of Christ.
It will attack the men and women of God whose leadership we are under, but we need to start ministering to them in the Spirit realm.
This doesn’t necessarily mean we will be able to physically go to them, but we can use our gift, whatever that might be, that the Lord saw fit to bestow upon each and every one of us to counteract the Devil and his minions who are the accuser of the brethren’s.
Some people are anointed to sing or direct the choir; others are anointed to play the keyboard or guitar.
Some are anointed to usher, manage the finances of the church, pray or serve in other extended capacities.
Having the right state of mind is certain to attract people to you.
I’d like to think it’s possible to create “Market Magnets”.
According to Alan Weiss in Million Dollar Consulting. Here’s what you do:
· Commercial publishing- Books are golden
· Position papers- Create articles like this one for your press kit and Websites that position you as an authority in your field. They should be packed with specific techniques and high value.
· Radio interviews- These are relatively easy to obtain. Never pay a radio station to host a show. That’s a scam. The talent is supposed to be the payee, not the payer.
· TV appearance- These are also easier than the sources above, especially on cable and local affiliates.
· Advertising- From the local Yellow Pages to national directories, some feasibility buyers search such listings to generate ALTERNATIVES.
· Speaking- One of the best sources for generating attraction. Speak for free if you must, as long as you are in front of buyers or at least recommenders.
· Website– A more flexible media kit than your hard copy presentation folder. Load it with articles like this one, techniques, and value to compel people to return (e.g., a new article every month) and to tell others.
· Electronic newsletters- Send them out for free. Keep them brief and encourage others to forward them to others.
· Teaching- Apply to be an assistant professor or mentor one day/night of the week at the local high school, university, community college or trade school. It will generate positive visibility
· Trade Association leadership- take up positions such as treasurer, or head of volunteers or even become the president of a well- established non-profit organization. You will be interviewed, referred to, and highly visible in the community, profession, and/or industry.
· Create products- booklets, manuals, books, business cards etc.
· Referrals- Ask everyone you know for leads
· Most important: Networking- Provide value to people who can, in turn, provide value to you.
Remember, we are not all called to minister in the same way, but to each person, I believe God has given the full measure of His grace.
If you are reading this and can truly identify with me, let’s pray this simple prayer together:
“Dear Jesus,
I want so much to be used by you in a unique way.
I want you to help me to discover my ministry and spiritual gift in the body of Christ so that I may use it to uplift your church and my community.
Help me to be bold and persistent in my journey.
Let the Queen or King in me rise up and be resolute in this mighty cause so that I may be effective for you.
Help me to uplift the leadership currently placed in my life.
Do not let pride, discouragement or anything that is not of you, deter me from my course.
This day I commit myself to you.
I ask for your anointing to flow freely in my life and for you to make me a special blessing in your name.
For those of you who followed me in that prayer; may God, the source of hope, fill you with all joy and peace by means of faith in Him, so that your hope will continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit.