Teneisha Johnson

We’ve all heard many stories of fans going overboard in their zealous devotion to a movie star, sports figure, world famous preacher or even political leader.
It might have started as innocent curiosity where the fan enjoys the actor’s performance, the athlete’s abilities, the politician’s way with words or even the preacher’s charisma.
However, somehow the secret infatuation with this person and their lifestyle grows into an obsession with being a part of the star’s galaxy.
The fan strongly believes that this “public figure” serves as a catalyst to fulfilling all their dreams.
If only they could meet them in person, the star would shine their elusive solar light onto this ordinary person next door and transform them into a beautiful Queen or King.
In our age of celebrity stalkers and media-obsessed viewers, many public figures have trouble trusting the intentions of complete strangers.
Unfortunately, too many times, the star or public figure may be bombarded with letters or emails from angry racists, extremist groups, anonymous sources threating death or even marriage etc.
I can think of many scenarios which can also be very dangerous.
Of course, most sane and credible people enjoy their talents, ministry or contribution to the world.
However, there are those select few who either through mental illness or a variety of stressors, are simply looking for someone or something to give them life or hope.
Like the sensational tabloid-style gossip about stalkers and celebrity-crazed fans, affairs of the royalty are nothing new.
One of the most famous and fatal attraction or obsession in the pages of the scriptures was between King David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel, Chapter 11).
But here is my question to you. What is it that lights your fuse?
Are you lamenting about what you don’t have?
I’ve learnt that when you focus on what’s missing in your life, you automatically enter into a place of need, which can then quickly turn into an obsession to obtain that one thing you think will fulfill your need.
Obsession is a powerful thing.
It fuels fantasies and drives the person to reckless behavior.
It can generate enough power to transform ordinary encounters into opportunities of exploitation in order to make that person’s dreams come true.
My message is simple – Be real about who you are, where you are and where you want to be.